Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
Sponsored by: Mercury Marine; Air Ranger Airboats; Haynie Bay Boats; Baysport Marine Victoria; Castaway Rods; JL Marine; Pure Fishing; Corrosion X; and, Bob's Machine Shop.
Coastal Texas Waterfowl Hunting
Elevated tides continue and waterfowl concentrations are centered in traditional "shallower" staging areas as we've come to see given similar circumstances over the years. The "High Water Playbook" is getting a litle dog eared and it's being reprinted with a "Mild Weather" sequel. We're seeing solid concentrations of ducks on the bays; inland geese concentrations continue disappointing so far, however, with scattered "ducks and darks" opportunities to be acted on soon.
What's the final chapter in the seasons story? That is yet to be written and Mother Nature is doing the writing. In the meantime, there will be great days and lackluster days to be sure. One thing that is constant, however, is good friends; great guides; great lodge; commaraderie; and, tradition.
Lodge News
We've got our February 2015 Blowout Special going on right now featuring 30% off lodge package trips in February. Catch the details at #castawayonthebayou #castawaylodge #teamcastawaylodge
From The Family of Castaway Lodge, to yours....
Happy Holidays!
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Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge
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